Using CBD For Your Pets: What to Consider

Using CBD For Your Pets: What to Consider

These days, our pets are part of our family. We don’t want them to suffer. So, we purchase the food, toys, treats, and medication when they need it. But are we truly taking the best care of them? What about CBD? While it isn’t FDA-approved, an increasing number of pet owners are using it (and their dogs) to treat pain and other conditions. In this article, you will learn about CBD, what it is, what it is not, and how to know if your pet can benefit from CBD.

These days, you can find CBD in the pet aisle of your local pet store. Additionally, a quick search on the internet can turn up hundreds of dispensaries like Coastal Cannabis (, which tends to provide high-quality CBD products for pets. Nevertheless, much like human CBD, not all CBD products are created equal. So, how do you know which products you can trust to invest in for your four-legged friends?

The promise of CBD for your pets: Cannabidiol is growing in popularity for the benefits it has for humans, but pet owners are starting to discover it has a number of applications as well.

As more people learn about the benefits of CBD oil for their pets, they’re often curious to see if it will help their own animals. But it is new to some, and perhaps some pet owners still wonder if their dog or cat might have a medical issue that could benefit from the non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. So, let’s explore what CBD is and what conditions it might help support.

Can CBD Get My Pet High?

Dogs and cats, much like people, have a natural reaction to cannabis. The psychoactive compound in cannabis-cannabidiol-has long been used to treat a variety of medical conditions in people, including seizures, chronic pain, anxiety, and inflammation. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is also starting to gain some popularity as a remedy for dogs and cats with anxiety, cancer, and other medical conditions.

Most pet owners know by now that cannabis is an effective pain reliever for pets, and CBD in particular is proving to be particularly effective in treating an array of ailments for dogs and cats. But can CBD get your pet high? The short answer is no, but it can affect your pet’s behaviour.

Is CBD Safe for Dogs and Cats?

CBD is a cannabinoid that comes from the cannabis plant. And while the compound itself isn’t psychoactive, it has been shown to have many properties that are beneficial for pets. Many pet owners that are interested in giving their pets CBD want to know if it is safe to use with their animals.

CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant. It contains high levels of cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive chemical compound that’s used to treat several conditions, like anxiety, chronic pain, and seizures. While CBD is legal in several states, it’s still considered an illegal substance at the federal level, and many pet owners assume CBD is dangerous for their furry friends. But is it still safe?

A growing trend is incorporating CBD products into your pet’s life. The popularity of these products is due to their numerous health benefits for humans. This has led to more people asking: Is it safe to give CBD to pets? The simple answer is yes. It has been shown to give relief to pets who suffer from a wide range of medical issues, including anxiety, seizures, chronic pain, nausea, inflammation, and loss of appetite. However, before using it on your pets, there are a few things you need to know.

Potential Benefits of CBD for Pets

CBD for dogs is becoming increasingly popular as more people become aware of the valuable health benefits the cannabis compound can bring to pets. Although studies have shown that further research is needed before CBD can be recommended as an effective treatment for dogs with serious ailments, it is proving to be a beneficial natural treatment for animals with general afflictions.

Many pet owners are finding the benefits of using CBD products to help relieve symptoms of anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness in their pets. It is one of the more misunderstood compounds in the cannabis family, but a growing body of research points to its potential to help pets. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound that is abundant in the cannabis plant. It comes from the non-psychoactive compound found in hemp plants. While marijuana contains both CBD and THC, hemp only contains CBD.
