Food You Shouldn’t Give Your Dog

Food You Shouldn’t Give Your Dog

Did you know that your dog can get sick from eating certain foods? It’s scary, but it’s true.  Keep in mind that feeding dogs the wrong foods could negatively affect their health. However, with so many options out there for dog food, it’s hard for pet owners to know if their products are safe. Some foods can cause health problems, like vomiting, diarrhea, and even death. The occasional treat is okay, but try to limit the quantities of the types of foods mentioned below.  

Also remember that dogs that consume alcohol, salad dressing, raisins, grapes, avocados, chocolate, or onions can exhibit symptoms of alcohol poisoning and sudden liver failure, among other problems. That is why, it is always a good idea to know about them in detail. Nevertheless, it is not just alcohol, there are edibles that should be avoided too.

Here’s the Food to Avoid Giving to the Dog

  1. Chocolate – Chocolates may appear to be a tasty treat for humans, possibly a way of showing affection, but for dogs, this item acts as a poison. No matter how much we want to pamper our furry friends, we should not really involve in feeding them chocolates. These can damage their digestive systems irreversibly and make them fall sick frequently. A fair amount of chocolate consumption can be fatal to canines.
  2. Onions – Onions are one of those foods that should be avoided at any cost. Onions contain a substance known as disulphide bonds, which create sulphur compounds when they are cooked. These compounds can cause irritation to the digestive system and stomach pain in dogs.
  3. Garlic – It’s a natural antibiotic and antifungal, and that’s important in supplementing your dog’s diet with nutrients. However, garlic is also highly toxic to dogs and toxic enough that it can even kill them. Dogs that ingest garlic may find themselves vomiting, racing heart, loss of appetite, diarrhea, seizures, muscle weakness, and even death.
  4. Nuts – A dog’s diet should be rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. But providing food to your pet doesn’t need to be all business. And mixed nuts, in particular, shouldn’t be given to dogs. While dogs can eat small amounts of tree nuts without issue, the same cannot be said for peanuts, peanut butter, and cashews. They can all contain compounds, like phenylethylamine, that can make your pet feel anxious, agitated, and nauseous. Besides this, try to avoid macadamia nuts, pistachios, almonds, Brazil nuts, and pecan nuts.
  5. Avocados – Avocados are a wonderfully healthy fruit that is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are also chock full of healthy fats, which are great for dogs. However, avocados should not be given to pooches. Because they are unable to digest food containing a lot of fat; it can cause diarrhea in them.
  6. Caffeine – Caffeine is a toxic substance for dogs. It has a stimulating effect and can cause seizures, irregular heart rhythm, irritability, tremors, and panting. Some dogs can be more sensitive to caffeine than humans, so it is better to prevent your canine friend from consuming it.
  7. Yeast dough – A dog’s stomach cannot metabolize yeast, as it can ferment in the stomach, leading to bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea. In severe cases, it can also cause liver disease and even death.
  8. Sweetened drinks – Some dog owners may forget that soda is just another kind of sugar. Giving your dog soda, especially caffeinated ones, can cause harm. Moreover, sugary drinks such as those concentrated in juices, sports drinks, and energy drinks can contain large amounts of sugar and other acids — they can be harmful to pets.
  9. Dairy products – Dogs love milk and dairy products. They are delicious! But dairy products are not good for them as they contain lactose, which is a type of sugar. Dog’s digestive system cannot break down lactose. So, when they consume the substance, it results in diarrhea.
  10. Grape and raisins – Grapes and raisins have been known as healthy human foods for hundreds of years, but the same can’t be said for dogs. Dogs are carnivores, which means that their diet should include meat, not fruits and vegetables. While grapes and raisins are safe for humans to eat, they may pose a serious risk to dogs, particularly those who suffer from kidney or liver damage. If consumed by a dog, both items can cause kidney failure and seizures. Roundworms can also be passed from dog to dog by consuming grapes or raisins.

The apple of your eyes, you Fido, might love the smell of chocolate or grapes. However, it cannot be offered to them for consumption. Unfortunately, some human foods like the ones mentioned above are toxic to dogs. That is why you should also keep an eye on what food your pooch is eating. Remember that the type and quality of food can decide the number of years he can live happily without any disease.


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